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четвер, 31 грудня 2015 р.
понеділок, 28 грудня 2015 р.
28-th of December

Англійське словосполучення «Boxing day» зазвичай перекладають на українську мову як «День подарунків», однак буквальне значення — «День коробок». Тут немає великого протиріччя, бо тут маються на увазі саме ті коробки, в які традиційно кладуть подарунки.
Існує кілька версій, з відк походить назва свята:
пʼятниця, 25 грудня 2015 р.
Christmas day
It is Christmas today! Christmas is Britain's most popular holiday. Its traditions and early ceremonies were rooted in pagan beliefs and date back hundreds of years. They are still part of contemporary Christmas celebrations.
The Druids, for example, honoured the mistletoe in their religion and sacrificial rites. The red berry of the holly was believed to protect one against witchcraft. Ivy symbolised immortality. The Vikings introduced the Yule log which used to be burnt in honour of God Thor. The English adapted this practice for Christmas and today's (electric) Christmas candle is a holdover from baronial days.
The custom of sending Christmas cards to friends and family originated in Britain, too. In 1843 John Calcott Horsley designed the first one for Sir Henry Cole. Thus began a real spread of sending Christmas cards and this practice soon became an established traditon. Favoured designs were Christmas feasts, church bells, plum and turkey as well as religious themes. Every year more than a billion Christmas cards are now sent in the United Kingdom. Many of them are sold in aid for charities.

неділя, 20 грудня 2015 р.
Mother's night

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